When a video of Jabulani right back Oscar Twesy was leaked on social media with the two-time NLL Champion authoritatively listing teams that will not beat his team this season, many thought the man had had one too many to drink. Until everyone saw what they did to reigning NLL Champions SC Kalele in the full view of the entire NLL community at Kampala Quality Grounds (KQJ).

As if they had been sent to kill, Jabulani players didn’t warm up for more than 2 minutes. They stretched their legs for exactly 1 Minute and 31 seconds and strategically positioned themselves to watch Kalele guys go through every dangerous pre-game drill in the world with their FIFA Licenced external Coach.

Speaking to our reporter that approached him in that exact moment as they watched Kalele like a hungry lion waiting to pounce on a gazelle, Jabulani CB Magezi said they were not scared for any slight inch.

“Even if they run faster than Kipchoge before our game, there is no way we can lose to Kalele. Just watch and learn.” He said.

95% of the NLL crowd that sat down to watch this derby admitted that they didn’t think Jabulani were capable of upsetting the champions. As much as most of them really wished them the best, they believed they were hoping for a miracle of clean drinking water in a dirty dry desert.

By Full Time, a Romfield brace and another goal by Alexander were enough to sink SC Kalele in a pool of tears.

“League egumiire, but not for us.” Former Jabulani CEO Walter Musoki told this website when we approached him for a comment after the game. The medical doctor, who is in Northern Uganda serving the people, paid a videographer to live stream the entire match for him. Sources in Lira, where he is working, said about 16 patients had to patiently wait for 65 minutes before they could see him because in his own words, “a slaughter was going on, and he had to be there.”

Jabulani increased their count to 9 points from 4 games and left Kalele at 4 points in 4 games as well. Scary times! Next on their hit list, according to the video by Oscar Twesy are last season’s finalists Omujuma, Nshera FC and Abashweki.