
Kachanchali  Class Year: 2003/2008 Short Name: KAC Manager: Aine Ronald Captain: Ssentogo Simon  Facebook Twitter This is the team of the class 2003/2008 

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Kajogo FC

Kajogo FC  Class Year: 2001/2006 Short Name: KAJ Manager: Kasingye John Captain:Barnet Zimbe Facebook Twitter Named after the infamous “metropolis” bordering Ntare School from “the south”, the Kajogo fraternity was established in 2001, at the beginning of a new millennium, when primary students from all corners of the world converged at the mighty den. A majority of the […]

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Kafubs  Class Year: 1995/2000 Short Name: KAF Manager: Sserwanja Simon Captain: Ataremwa Edmundo Facebook Twitter Team Kafubs a cohort of lads who were at the Den between 1999-2004 brought together by a strong bond of brotherhood and vision for success has played in the Lions Football League since its inception. Founded as 99ers, the club later changed name […]

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Abashweki  Class Year: 2008/2013  Short Name: ABK  Manager: Aine Derrick  Captain: Otaremwa Paul Kadogo Facebook Twitter Founded in 2015, we started as a “kalele playing club” in 2008 where we used to play barefooted atthe famous “deserts” but interesting how we have evolved to playing in the NTARE LIONS LEAGUEand this time with actual jerseys […]

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SC Kalele

SC Kalele Class Year: 2010/2015 Short Name: KAL Manager: Walz Captain: Emma Mukama Facebook Twitter SC KALELE was started in June 2016 by old boys of 2010 FM 1 class. Inspired by the local balls which dominated the desert pitch next to Africa and Nile houses, the name KALELE was derived. ARYATUNGA ELIJAH AKA WALZ is the team captain and […]

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Kashoro FC

Kashoro FC  Class Year: 2000/2005 Short Name: KSH Manager: Sam Captain: Frank Bash Facebook Twitter Comprised of Ntare Old boys of 2000-2005, Kashoro FC, are the founding members of the Ntare League and its inaugural champions. True exemplars of the unbreakable Ntare spirit, Kashoro is named after the school canteen owing to its members’ magnanimous attitude. Kashoro acquired the […]

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Kisyanga  Class Year: 2006/2011 Short Name: KIS Manager: Seth Captain: Owen Oyesigire Facebook Twitter Established 2006, you could also refer to us as “golden bisya” having been admitted the same year Ntare School was celebrating a golden jubilee. We are generally fun loving with a big sense of brotherhood. We are named after the very much adored millet floor porridge. […]

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SC Jabulani

SC Jabulani  Class Year: 2011/2016 Short Name: JAB Manager: Amanyire Captain: Mugabe Norman Facebook Twitter SC Jabulani is the youngest team in the Ntare Lions League comprising of the gallant lions who were in the class of 2011-2016. The team name ‘Jabulani’ was inspired by the world cup ball of 2010 which also became the first school jargon we came across to […]

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